Tuesday, December 5, 2023

36 weeks

 Hola todos!

Mission just keeps on going! The weeks are starting to really fly. I blink and its monday again. That did NOT used to be the case 😅

We have been seeing so much success here! Weve turned the area around. We had 3 baptisms last 2 weeks and we hope to have another this week! It is crazy to see the work and the people change from area to area. In my last area it was 12 weeks of TOUGH work and contacting, everyone already being religious (especially catholic) and not being able to find people ready to grow. And here there are people accepting and have been prepared. I feel so blessed to be here.

Ive been eating tooooo well here. Part of me is grateful i didnt get called to a stateside mission just because of the fast food options haha! Because my areas up until this point have had nothing, not fastfood, or even food at all haha! And now i have dairy queennnn and Pizza hut and burber king down the road. In other areas even if there was food, i had to spend so much money on travel i never got to get any but here we barely travel! But if my problem is im having too much good food, i am too blessed haha!

I got to go to the temple this last week, and i had missed it so much. I felt proud to understand the endownment in spanish haha! What a gift it is to experience heaven on earth and enter into the Lord's presense. There is so much insight to why we are here. I speak to so many people everyday who, when i ask if they know what their purpose is or why they are here, they shake their heads no. How blessed are we to have such insight. Go to the temple.

This last week we had zone conference with elder douglas from the 70! He spoke in general conference a few years ago, it was so nice to hear from him! We were asked to prepare a 5 minutes talk about faith and there was a chance we would be called on to present ours and speak in front of everyone. I prepared mine and didnt get a chance to share, so ill share it here. I love you all and i thank you for all the support!! 

Hola elderes y hermanas. After reading and listening to the talks by elder Bednar, it seems fitting that I form this little talk, about faith. Elder Bednar teaches about the ways that we can grow our faith, and how faith can guide our growth with our heavenly father. What I feel as though we often forget, or don't realize, is that faith is an ordinance. The fourth article of faith says that the first ordinances of the gospel are what? First, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. What does this mean that faith is an ordinance? And how should that affect how we look at it? How do we, as missionaries, explain what an ordinance is? What I usually ask is if they know what a covenant is. And most of the time they will tell me it is like an agreement between two people. So an ordinance is a covenant and a covenant is an agreement, and faith is an ordinance. So simple math would tell us that faith is an agreement between us and God, but what does that mean? We don't often think of faith more than a one sided belief we cling on to when we have nothing else to explain our beliefs. Thanks to the prophet Joseph Smith, we know that faith is the power which God holds. Wait, god works through faith? How can this be? What does God have to have faith in? Us, and the elements that he controls! If we remember that our faith is an ordinance, or an agreement with God, we can begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I read once, that faith connects us and God like an electric circuit. When we have faith in the Lord, he can have faith in us. He can have faith and trust that we are going to keep the commandments, and therefore endow us with spiritual power because we are worthy of it. I think of Nephi in the book of helaman, who received the sealing power from the Lord on account of the fact that the Lord knew he wouldn't use it in a way contrary to how the Lord himself would use it. So now, us showing our faith has a whole new meaning. My stake president told me once, that if we break the commandments, it is because we did not have enough faith in the first place to keep them. I feel like this insight adds to the picture I am trying to paint. When we keep the commandments, we show the Lord that we are worthy of receiving his power and knowledge. He can trust in us, as we can trust in him. This is the ordinance or the active agreement we have with God. When we choose to have faith with him, we complete the circuit of power that allows it to grow and wax stronger. Faith isn't just to have faith in things we cant see, but the evidence of that which we can not see, that is there, says Hebrews 11. Elder Bednar points out in his talk, that faith is the principle of action in all intelligent beings. He points out many times the fact that we need to act, act in obedience and showing the Lord we are worthy of his power and his divine help. That we want him. And thus, we build the trust between us and the Lord, until our faith really can move mountains. The question isn't whether or not we believe in the Lord enough, it's whether we care to draw upon his power that is waiting for us, and what we are willing to do to receive it. This is faith. Keeping the commandments because of this faith we have and seek to gain, not only grows our faith, but grows us closer to God because we are becoming more like him. When we keep the commandments, we put off the natural man. You are all very hungry right now from fasting. What a better way to show your faith, and the power your spirit has over your body as well, to bring it to a higher, celestial level. Elderes y hermanas, we are not anything without faith. Faith is the first ordinance of the gospel we live and preach, and it seems fitting that it is something we seek to master everyday during the length of our probation and into the eternities.

Monday, November 6, 2023

8 months

 Helloooo from a new area! 

About a week and a half ago i got transferred to Caucel, we are whitewashing the area! It is my first time doing a whitewash, meaning that both the missionaries in the area are brand new and dont know the area. There hasnt been Elders in this area for 8 years the people say, So a lot of people are excited to see us here!

We had a pretty successful week this week, we are meeting and getting to know the members here and going through the area book. Its pretty fun! Im in the richest area i have been in so far, sometimes i dont even feel like im in Mexico! I start to feel sometimes I am way too blessed and dont feel like im sacrificing anything!! The Lord is definitely looking out for me, and I know its thanks to all of your guys prayers and support for me ❤️

You know, as much as i study the Gospel, i would think at some point i would cease to be amazed at it's depth. But i am always pleasantly surprised the more i find out, and really realize how small we are!! I feel its how the Heavenly Father is helping me realize his love for me and all of us. Because i feel like i suddenly realize how big eternity is, and i feel small and insignificant for a moment, and almost think how could i be remembered? And then i remember all of the basics, and the love i feel everyday, and i realize somehow the Lord loves me amidst all of his creations, across all his eternities and worlds and children, he remembers my problems and hears my little prayers. And then i find out or realize something greater about the eternities and i start the cycle all over again haha! But it always ends in me having a greater understanding, and appreciation for his love.

I want to share a few thoughts i have had in my studies the last week.
We know that Adam before the Fall did not have blood running through his veins. He was quickened by spirit and glory. I find it so very interesting, that blood is the trademark of the fall and death. If you were to look at a mortal man, and adam, you wouldnt be able to see a difference in appearance. The only way you find the mortal trademark is when the mortal trips, and falls. He messes up. If we trip and fall on the concrete and we are scuffed, that is when the blood shows. 
I love the symbolism that our mortal bodies are given the ability to heal and to become new again. 
We fall, we bleed, its in our nature! But thanks to our savior we can be healed and redeem ourselves no matter how many times we fall. And one day we will be quickened in glory as Adam was before the fall. We just need to keep picking ourselves up and healing until we are redeemed. 

The atonement has been on my mind recently aswell. About how and why the sacrifice of Jesus was infinite. What'd he do that made it infinite? To pay for the fall of Adam, he had to raise his body to the level of his premortal spirit. And sacrifice his perfect body and spirit that he had perfected throughout the course of his life, growing grace by grace. He perfected his body to the level of Adam's body, which he lost due to transgression. He grew and almost more impressively MAINTAINED his perfect state throughout his whole life and was endowed with glory and power from on high through every grace he gave.

The biggest grace given, being in gethsemane! I think it even more interesting to know he bled from every poor as he sacrificed for us. I think the mortal trademark, was veing purged from his body as he lifted his body up to its paradasicle glory, which was completed in full upon the cross.

Christ suffered so much and decended into the depths of hell not only to succor us in our lows, but to offer us all the happiness we can have!! The endownment and annointing and sealing and all ordinances of the temple, are offered to us because of the atonement of Christ. 

A sealed man and woman can both recieve the plentitud of the priesthood on this earth through the blessings of the temple because of the atonement of Jesus Christ. This is offered to anyone!! Every woman and every man can hold the plentitud of the priesthood, ONLY THROUGH THE TEMPLE. We can not recieve it any other way. You can recieve the same priesthood as the prophet if youre a primary teacher, it doesnt matter! The blessings of the Abrahamic covenant are amazing!

Only through being born again and reaching this level of the priesthood will we be endowed with not just infinite life, but eternal life. There is a difference.
We can be mothers and fathers of nations, spiritual and physical in our own eternities. These blessings are promised to all who simply make a temporal sacrifice now, to keep the commandments of God and, go to the temple!

As you can tell, i have done my fill as far as studying theology goes for the week haha! I just wanted to share with you all a few thoughts about how truly amazing the gospel is, and the true gift of the atonement that gives us the ability to have eternal happiness aswell as salvation.

Read your Book of Mormon

New area, new companion 

Leadership meeting


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023


 Hola everyone, this week was even quicker than the last! Ive noticed that the mission just continually gets better and better. You get more accustomed to being away and normal life, the language gets easier and you get more confident, and youre ever growing closer to the Lord. Im sure im the best i have ever been :)

This week we had a ton of success, we found 11 people in one week, that is the most i have found in a week in my mission up until this point. Turns out, knowing how to speak spanish translates to success with people haha. In that i can be friendly and not like a robot. Ive learned how to teach with the holy Ghost. I have actually taught in a few lessons this week with the most anti religion or mormon people i have ever met. People with questions and accusations and memorized scripture verses that i can answer to. They are all older guys that, as humble and learnable as the claim to be, are not open to hearing their home made theories on half truths presented in the bible are not true haha.

They'll call me joven or muchacho (young or boy) and tell me what i need to learn. And i just sit and smile and wait. Then tell him he just has to be patient for a few more minutes so i can explain to him the things he needs to know. It always seems to offend until they run out of questions to formulate. The LAST thing the gospel should make you, is cocky. But, that doesnt mean you cant relish in confidence in the Lords truth, especially when you try to share it!

Reading the new testament has been amazing for me! The theme i love most from it, that no one other than latter day saints can gleam is what the Lord means when he refers to the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of Heaven.

The kingdom of God, is the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The kingdom of heaven is the law and order of heaven. It will soon be established in this world. As i was pondering i realized the kingdom of God is sent to prepare the world for the coming of the kingdom of Heaven. Like john the baptist for Jesus, as an Elias. You cant deny one and accept the other! How fortunate are we to have the knowledge of the kingdom of God, to prepare us for heaven.

My favorite thing is the depth it gives to our study on the saviors words. For example, the parable of the talents, quite frankly has always been my least favorite parable. At least with how it is always interpreted. Not to say i disagree with it, i know we need to grow and develop our talents. But for some reason i never really loved the idea of it or how it was presented for us to have talents and then the contrast of reaction when we didnt develop them. I feel it is too vague. BUT i read the story again in Luke this week, and Jesus gives this parable in reaction to the question from his apostles,
When is he going to establish his kingdom upon the earth and reign in glory?

You all know the story, and the master gives them talents, or money, to prepare for when he returns. This money is the keys and priesthood we have in the world now! Consequently, it is the kingdom of God! He gives us callings and opportunities to grow the church to prepare ourselves and others for the returning of the master. We read that it doesnt matter how small of a gift or calling we have, we are expected to do something with it. Whether it is one talent, and youre a primary teacher, or 10 and youre the prophet. You play a part in the building up of the kingsom of God! Do youre part because he is returning!

A small thought too, was he gives an analogy of a builder in response to someoneone who wants to be a disciple of his. Someone who starts to build a tower, but runs out of funds and cant finish it. Because he didnt take into account what he was getting into and he didnt prepare himself enough. It is the same with us as we choose to follow Christ. Prepare yourself to do so, because when you start down the path, there is no turning back. There isnt going back to how life was before and choosing to forget the things you knew. It sounds daunting, but why else are we here? If youre not walking, prepare too. If your lamps arent filled, fill them. The bridegroom is coming! 

I love you all and i hope you all get to study the words of Christ in the new testament and the Book of Mormon, and apply them to your lives. Thank you for all the support.

Monday, October 16, 2023

29 weeks

 Alright I figure its time i actually update people on how the work is doing and how i am haha! I havent even sent pictures in a bit aswell so I will update everything.

Things have been doing good here in Quetzal! The weather had actually been cooling off and it felt like spring everyday for a few weeks. But we had the eclipse on saturday and the days leading up to that were so bloody hot it felt like July again and it was just walking around completely soaked in sweat no matter where you were! But honestly i still think i would take the heat over uncomfortable cold haha.

Speaking of being soaked, we had a huge rainstorm at the beginning of last week, and we have had quite a few up until this point but i had managed to never have to walk through a puddle or intentionally get my shoes wet just by picking my path correctly or going around different roads when some are flooded. Most missionaries just dont care and walk right through them so i end up looking like a scrub, but i prefer not to have wet shoes! But because the drainage system here is soooo bad every 4 way was filled with water almost to our knees from rain water after this storm. So we just sloshed through all the lagoons all night, knocking endlessly. It was the closest i have been to swimming in awhile.

The work here has been tough but we have managed to stay completely busy for hours everyday. We cover two wards in this area, and we are working with both to get in line with the church standards and doing all they are expected to do from leaders and members as far as missionary work. After being through the general handbook so much, i have been pleasantly surprised (but the same time not surprised at all) about the order of the Lord's church. Its obvious in everything, that it is not a church of man. The missionaries here before just worked the two areas as one before, but now as we have gotten more structure in both the wards and mission leaders, me and my comp have been working specific days in each ward and that has been working very well. Transfers are coming up, and i might be leaving the area! The worst part is we have 5 baptisms lined up for just about right after i leave here that i wont be able to see after working so hard here. But i am the smallest of significance in their journey to get baptized, and the most important thing is that they are taking the step.

Personally im doing very great, and i have never enjoyed the mission more. It just continues to get better as you grow more humble and love the Lord more. Something that caught me off guard though, was this last week i was hanging out with one of our AP's and we were talking about things before the mission. I told him i used to be a bigger guy and that i played football and was a successful lifter, and he looks me up and down and he goes, you?! He was like, youre not a big guy you cant weigh over like 160 right now. 
And that was one of the first times in my life i havent been regarded as big or strong but the guy was completely right! Ive changed a lot and had other things to focus on but it took me off guard! I had to chuckle when i couldnt defent myself.

Something that I have pondered this week spiritually, was how tailor made our lives are for us. Where we are in our lives, whatever trials or triumphs, blessings or misfortunes we have, it is the place where we have the most opportunity to grow. More than if we were in any other state of being you could think of. For us to think we'd be better off if things were different, or if we hadnt or had made a specific decision, it is to deny the divine influence God has in our life! And as i pondered more, i realized that even for people who are away from the gospel or truth for most of their life, whenever they choose the right, that path was the best one for them. Better than they could have had, had they decided to change one minute earlier. Because they had to experience all they did to learn the lessons they needed to, and to appreciate the atonement as much as they can. Think of how tailor made and perfect our lives have to be specifically for all of us for the ways we need to grow individually, to be the route that is most ideal for us to grow closer to the Lord. Where you live, the blessings you have or dont, anything you could think of, you are standing where you are because your Father in Heaven loves you enough to put you in the singularly specific place in the word you need to be in.

How comforting is accepting this truth! We dont need to look in the past, regret past sins that we have repented for, or sorrow for a trial we have or a weighty decision we made when in hindsight maybe we think we could have done something different. As long as you are with the Lord and turn to him to direct your life we have nothing to worry about. The genius is how he uses the wrong turns and lowpoints in our life for our eventual growth. And if we ever feel like he has nothing to do with our lives or where we are, we are sorely wrong! No wonder not a single person has lived the same life, we arent cookie cutter cut outs or part of an algorithm like we could have been. God loves us specifically and individually, and if you have faith enough to except and remember this fact to apply it to your life, the peace is freeing.

I know our savior lives, i know his hand is in every part of your life in every decision you make. He knows every part of your life because he felt it all, and knows how to help you whether you want it now or not. Turn to him and let him guide your life, submit to him, and we will recieve exaltation.

-elder b

Monday, October 9, 2023

7 months

 Hola todos!! This might have been the fastest week of my mission so far haha! But i got a lot of thoughts and things i want to share so im going to get into it 

Ive been reading the New Testament recently and i love it so much. Reading the gospels and trying to envision in my mind how Jesus talked, his mannerisms and his tone of voice in everything he says, brings me so much peace. I have found all of the words so deep, and have gained a greater understanding of his divine Love for us. For example, 

We are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. But we are not all sons and daughters of Christ. These, are those who accept the fulness of the father and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who chose him in the end and were sealed to him. Who literally chose to be apart of his family. The sons and daughters of Christ are who he will present to the Father after the earth is cleansed. He refers to us, as those the father has given him.

D&C 84: 63
And as I said unto mine apostles, even so I say unto you, for you are mine apostles, even God’s high priests; ye are they whom my Father hath given me; ye are my friends;

We are the disciples and apostles, we are the elect, we have been annointed and set apart from the world literally. but most importantly, We are his friends. we are a gift unto the most high God. He says repeatedly in the Gospels and in the Doctrine and Covenants that we are the Gift the father has given him. It obvious his love for us. He prays not for the world, but for those the father has given him of the world. John 17 talks of how he has given us his word, and how he has done all that we can so we can be saved. If anyone forgets how special they are or they feel little, remember that youre a prize to your loving savior.

The savior speaks of in the last days, how he will return and partake of the sacrament with all of the ancient prophets and disciples of God, and his children that he has redeemed. Can we even imagine a sliver of the joy the savior would feel in that moment. Standing and looking over his devoted followers that accepted his sacrifice, that love and appreciate him. And partaking of the blessed sacrament with us? Surely his joy would rise above all, after descending completely below it. How does an omniscient, all knowing, eternal God recieve his joy? Redeeming, and bringing others. I cant wait for the day

So how do we become the children of Christ. How do we ascend to become worthy of such blessings. Jesus said, if you are not with me, you are against me. Elder McKonkie breaks this quote down perfectly.

There is, in fact, no such thing as neutrality where the gospel is concerned. Jesus said: ‘He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.’ (Matt. 12:30.) … If we do not sustain and uphold and support the kingdom of God in all things, we are thereby aiding a cause other than the Lord’s.” Elder McConkie further explained: “On every issue it behooves us to determine what the Lord would have us do and what counsel he has given through the appointed officers of his kingdom on earth. No true Latter-day Saint will ever take a stand that is in opposition to what the Lord has revealed to those who direct the affairs of his earthly kingdom”

We might say we love Jesus as Peter claimed he did, after Jesus visited the 12 again. Asking, peter do you love me? We would all say yes, yes of course! But do we love him as the Lord expected Peter to? Do we sustain his leaders, his judgement, his gospel. Do we acknowledge his knowledge! There is no such thing as neautrality. I teach every day that God is perfect, if he is perfect he is true. If he is true there is one truth. And if he loves us perfectly he gives us that truth and it never changes. If we didnt have all that we needed right now and all the knowledge we needed right now to go to heaven he would not be a just God. If he were to in the future, change or share something that is pivotal to the work it would mean he didnt love perfectly those that walked before. 

Oh how grateful we are to have a perfect and loving God, who can not change! How much knowledge is offered to us, to everyone! If they are humble enough to accept it. The kingdom of heaven on earth, is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. It is black and white, youre on his side or youre not. If you dont have the faith to be on his side no matter the consequences than you are not of his fold. If youre not in that place now then continue to grow, Allow him to bless you as he is calling you into the fold.

But behold, ye have both heard my voice, and seen me; and ye are my sheep, and ye are numbered among those whom the Father hath given me.

Jesus loves us, he prays for us, his sheep are a gift to him. "So how would intentionally trusting the doctrine of Christ change the way we live our lives? If we trust the doctrine of Christ, we will trust Christ enough to live by His every word. We will make a lifelong study of Jesus Christ, His ministry, His teachings, and His infinite Atonement, including His glorious Resurrection. We will study His promises and the conditions upon which those promises are given. As we study, we will be filled with greater love for the Lord."

- Elder Bastian

Monday, October 2, 2023


 What a spiritual weekend! This general conference weekend was so touching, and the Lord is so very obviously working to prepare us for his second coming. Without a doubt the main theme in this conference was making, and keeping sacred covenants with heavenly father. It is the only way we can grow to our full potential that God has planned for us here on this earth. And be prepared for what is to come.

What i loved was the importance and significance put on the fact of us keeping our side of our covenants. Do we keep our promises we have made to the Lord in every covenant? If not, why do we expect our ordinances to carry onto the next life? Every week we remember to take upon ourself the name of Christ, always remember him, and keep his commandments always. If you dont, you dont recieve your half of the deal! What i love about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that it is all in your hands. Like president Nelson said, you get to choose where you live forever, with what kind of body and with who. Oaks said that the celestial kingdom is for those who are valient in their testimonies, and why would we want it any other way? What does being valient in testimony mean? It means having the faith to go along with the Doctrine of the Church line upon line even when it is hard, even when it doesnt make sense, instead of looking for a safety net. 

It goes back to what i said a few weeks ago about who inherits these kingdoms of glory. If we want to live celestially, we will think celestial. That means living by the laws and orders of the celestial kingdom now gives you the right to live there later. Our mortal bodies will put on immortal once we are resurrected. If you are resurrected as someone who does not follow the laws of the celestial kingdom, you will go to the kingdom with the laws pertaining to what you can follow, because you will be perfected, in that imperfect state!! But something i love said by Elder Oaks again is that we are judged by our final state, our final transformation and conversion. God is not judging us now, where we are now is part of the process to eventually becoming glorified celestial beings, if you want. But you also decide how quickly you get there and humble yourself enough to be there.

Elder Christopherson said in his amazing talk that those who keep gospel covenants are promised exaltation, and will be the ones raised at the first resurrection. Those who will recieve the mansions in heaven the Lord has prepared for them. I dont care how tough life is or how much the Gospel doesnt make perfect sense wouldnt you hang on no matter what for right now just to be promised that glory!? We will be caught up to meet him, and we will descend with him over the whole world in the second coming, with Him.

Something i heard awhile ago, was that many of us might be willing to die for our beliefs. If we had to defend this church to the death most of us would give our lives rather than deny the truth we know. But are we willing to live for it? You may be willing to die for the Holy Ghost, but are you willing to live for it? Are you temple worthy? Do you go to the temple? Do you keep your first covenant to remember him always and keep the commandments? Do you sustain the leaders of the church and the doctrines of the Gospel. If not, you need to choose who you are living your life for, and do you have enough faith to lean fully on what the Lord has given us to know? In both scenerios we give our life, which one is just more convenient for us?

There were two missionary quotes I read in emails last week that were too good that i have to reuse haha. One is, sorry for the long email, its for the posterity. And two, Im lookin at the same stars as you guys at night. The ones that are held in place in command by our eternal father. Even the stars obey the father, and they dont move, they are unshaken no matter how much they might want to move. Be unshakable like the stars, and be obedient to the Lord

- elder bastian

Monday, September 25, 2023

Veinte Seis

 Hola from Yucatannn

Ill keep this weeks update short haha. This week was great! As far as missionary numbers go, we had a very successful week and Im learning so much everyday especially getting the reps in with spanish.

Im quite blessed as a trainer, i got a humble and moldable missionary ready to learn. I am so glad i didnt get someone like how i was when i got here haha! Stubborn, didnt like the authority, arrogant, the mission sure changes people! Im sure at some point i will recieve my share of karma, but for now the Lord has given me someone to help and is willing and he has learned so much spanish in just a week. My man gives a killer prayer and testimony every lesson.

We put and rescheduled a total of 5 people for baptism this coming month this week! So fingers crossed we can get those to pull through.

I cant help but have to share something that happened a lot this week jaja. I have been getting good at asking questions that lead the investigator to admitting simple gospel truths, such as, God has one church. And they tell me it only makes sense no? And then ill be like yeah and guess what! We are representatives of this church and your father in heaven sent us here so you could know it! And you can see them start getting excited and then we go off about something else for a few minutes and its like they go back to default programming. Ill make a mention about how this is Gods only true church on the earth and the only church of God and then they will be like, well God is in all the churches. GRR

I feel all of your prayers and support and I thank you all for it. I hope you guys know for yourselves this us Gods only true church with his authority and power to act in his name, and a great and marvelous work, is in the works. Dont ever take it for granted and dont waste a second not learned more about the gospel and letting its principles affect your life and how you live it. We are nothing without it, and our finite minds cant comprehend the things of God, lest we keep the commandments and learn the gospel precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. It is why God lengthened our lives for this probational period. We have the time to take slow steps but we dont have the time to stop stepping. I promise all of you the gospel answers every question and doubt, and through true faith and humility we can have any answer we desire. Dont stop until you see the face of God, better start walking no?


Monday, September 18, 2023

25 weeks

 Already another week down! But this one was quite eventful, im training now! My new comp's name is elder rogers and he's from atlanta georgia. He Knows 0 spanish haha!! But thats awesome for me because I can actually teach and i know exactly how he feels. Some people come in from the CCM with a usable amount of spanish knowledge, elder rogers and I did not. 

I have experienced the gift of tongues on like a whole other level this last week! My last comp was a spanish genius after a year in the mission, and he had such a good relationship with the members it was easy to just kinda sit back and not be pushed, and suddenly im doing all the talking and understanding perfectly! Even last week understanding everything would be a struggle at times but the second elder Parker left and i was on my own I had no more problem at all like i can speak and joke and listen and conversate perfectly, or sufficiently i should say. I have grown to appreciate the Lord on a even higher level this week as i have been able to look back on my growth and how i always was where he needed me to be even if that meant struggling with spanish for months. And now he is just like, okay you can know spanish now. I feel as though i have learned NOTHING on my own accord haha! Only when the Lord saw it fit to bless me in that way.

I used to sit on this side of my trainers lessons and say nothing and not be able to understand nothing sitting on a dirty chair in a dirt floor house and think, this my life. All i couldnt wait to do was at least get to a point where I could be the one sharing the gospel, and share a whole lesson by myself and teach with the passion and power the retoration and the gospel deserves, and somehow be able to articulate it in a foreign language and ask questions and keep people engaged. And every lesson we have taught this week has been completely me haha! And i finally got my wish, and i am able to bring and use the spirit and make people feel something in these lessons, and even just be able to conversate efficiently to get in their door to teach a lesson. I taught the restoration 4 times last night to all new people! It warms my heart looking back and being patient with the Lords timing. To be fair, i had no choice but to do so. But how grateful i am for that now, and i hope we are all sufficiently patient in the Lords timing because everything comes in its own time and when you need it.

Im almost done reading the first volume of saints and man has my testimony grown of our dear prophet Joseph Smith. If you dont know Joseph Smith, you dont know our church really, and consequently you dont Jesus. One of the most long suffering, patient, and Christlike men that ever lived. Do we know why? Because the Lord prepared him to be so, and he was patient in the Lords timing even after years and years of trials and unexplainable hardship. I listened to a talk called, "the prophet and his plates" by Brad Wilcox this week and i was moved to tears. I want so so badly for every single one of you to listen to it but i know that probably wont happen. But if i can persuade a few who ACTUALLY do then ill be happy. If we have questions about Joseph Smith, or the Plates, or our testimony isnt strong in any of those topics it is our duty to strengthen such things. It is either true or its not, and its true. So if you think its not then by default, you are wrong. Which personally would really bug me to hear if i didnt know of its truth! So you might as well strengthen your testimony of such truths. I started saying this to the people we have been teaching. All of these things are either true, or they are not. If theyre true you better do something about it right? Because if you settle for not true, and youre wrong, whos side are you on in the end? Logically for your OWN sake you should pray to find out if these things are true just for the 50 percent chance that im telling the truth! The same is applicable for all principles of the gospel.

I read in Helaman this week, 
49: And there were about three hundred souls who saw and heard these things; and they were bidden to go forth and marvel not, neither should they doubt.
50: And it came to pass that they did go forth, and did minister unto the people, declaring throughout all the regions round about all the things which they had heard and seen, insomuch that the more part of the Lamanites were convinced of them, because of the greatness of the evidences which they had received

Neither should they doubt. Doubt not. They had had this amazing beautiful experience with the spirit and were born again, and their commandment was to doubt not. We could read that and say, yeah when i see an angel i won't doubt. But we know such things dont build our faith! The simpleness of the holy ghost in your heart is more of a rock of testimony than seeing all the hosts of angels in the sky. Why should we doubt the holy ghost? Why should we doubt what we have been given and know deep within our hearts to be true? Why doubt the Book of Mormon and the spiritual experiences youve had? If you have felt the spirit, it is from God, if it is from God, it is true, if its true, all of it is true. Talk about plainness of words! I invite all of you to continue to strengthen your testimony. If you doubt it's okay, there is always a way back. But i wouldnt try my chances playing on a railroad track for longer than I had to haha!

I found it interesting as i finished Alma, that the worst of the wars were all caused by Nephite descenters. Those who had a knowledge and grew up with such a blessing and denied it, and because they did satan had an even tighter grasp on their hearts and they became more wicked than ever, and were the worst problem for the church and the righteous! Be weary of the descenters we have in our day! They are satans most decieving tool, hold fast to the iron rod. Dont lightly touch it dont walk beside it dont let go when its convenient and grab back on again! Hold fast! And doubt not and fear not because there is no other way! Do we realize this gospel is our only ticket to salvation? Why risk such a thing?

I need to end this but i have too many thoughts. I explained the difference in heavenly kingdoms to a woman this week, and where we each go. She had the most questions about the difference between celestial and terrestial, she seemed bothered because of how i explained it and she obviously had reservations. She had questions such as, what if you just tell the missionaries no one time, is that rejecting the gospel in this life and thus you cant go to heaven? I answered all questions with the underlying fact that God is just, and everyone will agree in the last day. But i have heard a few ways to describe the difference in glories. I usually describe it as those who accept the gospel in this life, get to go to celestial.
Those who reject in this life and accept in the next would go to terrestial.
And those who dont accept in both will go to telestial.

Many a times too, i hear people describe celestial for those who kept the commandments go to celestial.
Those who kept most go to terrestial.
And the bad people go to telestial.
Immediately we might think there is a different standard between these two explanations, but the more i think about it the more i disagree. The discrepency would be the difference between those who rejected the gospel in this life, and those who just kept some of the commandments both going to the terrestial kingdom. I think that is a very accurate description of the same thing. If we dont keep all the commandments, did we accept the gospel in this life? Its not as easy as putting your name in the books as a member. If you didnt care enough to do it all did you accept it? 

I told this woman i felt there was a reason why there is a difference between celestial and terrestial, a fair one. Because those of the terrestial world could have been members, kept most of the commandments, been good people. So why dont they get celestial glory? Well, i believe heaven, and a house next to the savior's for eternity, is saved for those special few. Who really accepted the gospel in its fulness. Do you accept the gospel?

I love this church, this gospel, and my God!

-elder bastian

Monday, September 11, 2023

Six months

 Holaaaa otra vez!

Time has become the weirdest thing in the world to me recently, I dont know how to comprehend or think of it haha! One day this week I told my comp that I had been in thay day longer than the mission, and he fell over laughing so hard. But now here i am again on monday! We got 3 days until i start my fifth transfer! That'll be 6 months down which was so fast, but on the other hand, it feels like I have been in this mission for my whole entire life. 

Missionary wise, we had a terrible week last week haha! We worked all day everyday, and we did not find one person. Not a single. The one guy we did find told us before the end of the week he never wanted us to come back. Noice.
But it has taught me a lot of patience. Im not here for me, I am under the Lords will. If he wants me to baptizd 1000 people or 10 that is up to him, and i have eliminated myself as a variable doing everything that i possibly can to be what he needs me to be. Its a refreshing feeling :) And this week was a lot better and we had some special lessons!

I need to rant about the Book of Mormon for a minute because my mind has been blown. I finally started reading it again last week and I cant describe the beauty of its words. I waited to start it again until i finished the old testament so I have been waiiiiiiting and waiting and halfway through this last week i started and i got to mosiah in a matter of like 4 days. Its all so good, Not a single one of us can comprehend the importance of the book of mormon. Its beautiful simplicity and its straightfowardness. After having read through the old testament prophesies for so long i have so come to appreciate and, delight in the plainness, of the Book of Mormon.

Also, Nephi is my favorite book of mormon prophet and book. Hands down no questions asked. First and second nephi are the deepest books in the book of mormon. I would almost say you can learn almost as much in those two books than you can anywhere else in the entire book mormon. I read second nephi 25 this last week and as i read the words i was so overcome with gratefulness and emotion. I had to pray and thank our heavenly father for the words we are given to read in our days, and the dedication and love of these godly men. I would challenge you all to read that chapter. There is a reason nephi is the first two books in the book of mormon. They are the most important and need the most attention and studying and pondering. I truly felt like i was feasting on the words.

One of the most interesting thing here on the mission is seeing people's different reactions to the things we say. You can tell who has an open heart and who is receptive to the spirit immediately. For example, I frequently at the end of our first lesson with somebody (or even in introduction) that we are messengers from God, and you need to listen to us. And some peoples eyes will widen and usher us in or lean forward in their chairs, and some people just say, yes of course you are. But dont listen haha! But i suppose im not in a place to judge, ive thought about if i was in one of their shoes and didnt know about the gospel and two young men knocked at my door telling me they are messengers from God, would i take them seriously? 

But the more i thought about it the more i realized that we have those opportunities even as people who have been blessed with the knowledge of the gospel. But more is on the line for us haha! Do we listen to the prophet when he speaks? When he tells us to do our duty in gathering israel and read the scriptures and repent and become more Christlike do we take it to heart? Do we listen to ancient prophets and their teachings, or do we even really know what they say? Its one thing to say it all in theory, of course we do! But i think as of recently, the Lord is teaching me that there is always more that i can do if i want to reach the goals that i desire. Even on a mission it is so easy to become complacent and think as though im doing everything i can do and to just expect blessings and what i want, but the Lord has never worked like that. 

I believe the most beneficial thing i have learned from the scriptures is more about the character of God. And knowing such, when we have questions about why things are rhe way they are, we can realize for ourselves why when we know how he works and loves us. And everything begins to make more sense. I have had a cool experience in learning all of this first hand. I have learned the holy ghost speaks almost as wave lengths of information. Theyre just floating above your head, and they increase in density, frequency and knowledge as you go higher. The wavelength on which you reside determines what makes sense to you, and the higher you go, the more is spoken to you. Consequently, some things about the gospel and the interworkings of the holy spirit, you just come to know. They are just made known to you and make sense because you are on that level and you can decipher the messages of the level you are on. 

Obviously it is easy to want to grow and made things obvious and make more sense bit are we willing to work and climb that ladder? Do you do your responsibility as a member of the church and the tribe of ephraim in sharing the gospel? Or are you having your cake and eating it too? Do you go to the temple and read your scriptures? Do you teach your family the truths and bottom lines of the gospel? Ive also come to learn receptivity, does not change the truth. Do you fulfill church calling and minister to others? This is what is expected of us whether or not we recieve blessings, but of course because we have a perfectly loving heavenly father who loves effort, he richly blesses our lives anyway. I hope we are all doing what we need to be doing. 

I love you all and thank you for your support and messages and love! This is Jesus Christ's gospel. 

- elder b