Friday, January 13, 2023

Race mcBuckets

 So far our favorite thing to do in Tennessee is to watch Race play Basketball!! He played on  Brighton league and his team was the Blue Beasts. We had no idea signing him up for basketball that he could even play. I marked him down as a beginner. They did some try outs to place him on his team and then we had an almost three month long season. We would have paid money to see these games! I think they were more exciting then any other basketball game I have ever been to!

His coaches were high school seniors and on the Brighton Bball team. They really took the time to teach these kids to play. Race came out almost immediately doing layups and shooting buckets! I had no idea this kid could play! 

I wish that I could add video to this but the games were so exciting and all you can hear is Mom, Dad and the kids screaming our guts out for the kid and his team! So Much Fun!!!

They were the season champs! It was close but they out played the ballerz!!!!