Monday, September 25, 2023

Veinte Seis

 Hola from Yucatannn

Ill keep this weeks update short haha. This week was great! As far as missionary numbers go, we had a very successful week and Im learning so much everyday especially getting the reps in with spanish.

Im quite blessed as a trainer, i got a humble and moldable missionary ready to learn. I am so glad i didnt get someone like how i was when i got here haha! Stubborn, didnt like the authority, arrogant, the mission sure changes people! Im sure at some point i will recieve my share of karma, but for now the Lord has given me someone to help and is willing and he has learned so much spanish in just a week. My man gives a killer prayer and testimony every lesson.

We put and rescheduled a total of 5 people for baptism this coming month this week! So fingers crossed we can get those to pull through.

I cant help but have to share something that happened a lot this week jaja. I have been getting good at asking questions that lead the investigator to admitting simple gospel truths, such as, God has one church. And they tell me it only makes sense no? And then ill be like yeah and guess what! We are representatives of this church and your father in heaven sent us here so you could know it! And you can see them start getting excited and then we go off about something else for a few minutes and its like they go back to default programming. Ill make a mention about how this is Gods only true church on the earth and the only church of God and then they will be like, well God is in all the churches. GRR

I feel all of your prayers and support and I thank you all for it. I hope you guys know for yourselves this us Gods only true church with his authority and power to act in his name, and a great and marvelous work, is in the works. Dont ever take it for granted and dont waste a second not learned more about the gospel and letting its principles affect your life and how you live it. We are nothing without it, and our finite minds cant comprehend the things of God, lest we keep the commandments and learn the gospel precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. It is why God lengthened our lives for this probational period. We have the time to take slow steps but we dont have the time to stop stepping. I promise all of you the gospel answers every question and doubt, and through true faith and humility we can have any answer we desire. Dont stop until you see the face of God, better start walking no?
