Monday, November 6, 2023

8 months

 Helloooo from a new area! 

About a week and a half ago i got transferred to Caucel, we are whitewashing the area! It is my first time doing a whitewash, meaning that both the missionaries in the area are brand new and dont know the area. There hasnt been Elders in this area for 8 years the people say, So a lot of people are excited to see us here!

We had a pretty successful week this week, we are meeting and getting to know the members here and going through the area book. Its pretty fun! Im in the richest area i have been in so far, sometimes i dont even feel like im in Mexico! I start to feel sometimes I am way too blessed and dont feel like im sacrificing anything!! The Lord is definitely looking out for me, and I know its thanks to all of your guys prayers and support for me ❤️

You know, as much as i study the Gospel, i would think at some point i would cease to be amazed at it's depth. But i am always pleasantly surprised the more i find out, and really realize how small we are!! I feel its how the Heavenly Father is helping me realize his love for me and all of us. Because i feel like i suddenly realize how big eternity is, and i feel small and insignificant for a moment, and almost think how could i be remembered? And then i remember all of the basics, and the love i feel everyday, and i realize somehow the Lord loves me amidst all of his creations, across all his eternities and worlds and children, he remembers my problems and hears my little prayers. And then i find out or realize something greater about the eternities and i start the cycle all over again haha! But it always ends in me having a greater understanding, and appreciation for his love.

I want to share a few thoughts i have had in my studies the last week.
We know that Adam before the Fall did not have blood running through his veins. He was quickened by spirit and glory. I find it so very interesting, that blood is the trademark of the fall and death. If you were to look at a mortal man, and adam, you wouldnt be able to see a difference in appearance. The only way you find the mortal trademark is when the mortal trips, and falls. He messes up. If we trip and fall on the concrete and we are scuffed, that is when the blood shows. 
I love the symbolism that our mortal bodies are given the ability to heal and to become new again. 
We fall, we bleed, its in our nature! But thanks to our savior we can be healed and redeem ourselves no matter how many times we fall. And one day we will be quickened in glory as Adam was before the fall. We just need to keep picking ourselves up and healing until we are redeemed. 

The atonement has been on my mind recently aswell. About how and why the sacrifice of Jesus was infinite. What'd he do that made it infinite? To pay for the fall of Adam, he had to raise his body to the level of his premortal spirit. And sacrifice his perfect body and spirit that he had perfected throughout the course of his life, growing grace by grace. He perfected his body to the level of Adam's body, which he lost due to transgression. He grew and almost more impressively MAINTAINED his perfect state throughout his whole life and was endowed with glory and power from on high through every grace he gave.

The biggest grace given, being in gethsemane! I think it even more interesting to know he bled from every poor as he sacrificed for us. I think the mortal trademark, was veing purged from his body as he lifted his body up to its paradasicle glory, which was completed in full upon the cross.

Christ suffered so much and decended into the depths of hell not only to succor us in our lows, but to offer us all the happiness we can have!! The endownment and annointing and sealing and all ordinances of the temple, are offered to us because of the atonement of Christ. 

A sealed man and woman can both recieve the plentitud of the priesthood on this earth through the blessings of the temple because of the atonement of Jesus Christ. This is offered to anyone!! Every woman and every man can hold the plentitud of the priesthood, ONLY THROUGH THE TEMPLE. We can not recieve it any other way. You can recieve the same priesthood as the prophet if youre a primary teacher, it doesnt matter! The blessings of the Abrahamic covenant are amazing!

Only through being born again and reaching this level of the priesthood will we be endowed with not just infinite life, but eternal life. There is a difference.
We can be mothers and fathers of nations, spiritual and physical in our own eternities. These blessings are promised to all who simply make a temporal sacrifice now, to keep the commandments of God and, go to the temple!

As you can tell, i have done my fill as far as studying theology goes for the week haha! I just wanted to share with you all a few thoughts about how truly amazing the gospel is, and the true gift of the atonement that gives us the ability to have eternal happiness aswell as salvation.

Read your Book of Mormon

New area, new companion 

Leadership meeting
