Monday, October 23, 2023


 Hola everyone, this week was even quicker than the last! Ive noticed that the mission just continually gets better and better. You get more accustomed to being away and normal life, the language gets easier and you get more confident, and youre ever growing closer to the Lord. Im sure im the best i have ever been :)

This week we had a ton of success, we found 11 people in one week, that is the most i have found in a week in my mission up until this point. Turns out, knowing how to speak spanish translates to success with people haha. In that i can be friendly and not like a robot. Ive learned how to teach with the holy Ghost. I have actually taught in a few lessons this week with the most anti religion or mormon people i have ever met. People with questions and accusations and memorized scripture verses that i can answer to. They are all older guys that, as humble and learnable as the claim to be, are not open to hearing their home made theories on half truths presented in the bible are not true haha.

They'll call me joven or muchacho (young or boy) and tell me what i need to learn. And i just sit and smile and wait. Then tell him he just has to be patient for a few more minutes so i can explain to him the things he needs to know. It always seems to offend until they run out of questions to formulate. The LAST thing the gospel should make you, is cocky. But, that doesnt mean you cant relish in confidence in the Lords truth, especially when you try to share it!

Reading the new testament has been amazing for me! The theme i love most from it, that no one other than latter day saints can gleam is what the Lord means when he refers to the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of Heaven.

The kingdom of God, is the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The kingdom of heaven is the law and order of heaven. It will soon be established in this world. As i was pondering i realized the kingdom of God is sent to prepare the world for the coming of the kingdom of Heaven. Like john the baptist for Jesus, as an Elias. You cant deny one and accept the other! How fortunate are we to have the knowledge of the kingdom of God, to prepare us for heaven.

My favorite thing is the depth it gives to our study on the saviors words. For example, the parable of the talents, quite frankly has always been my least favorite parable. At least with how it is always interpreted. Not to say i disagree with it, i know we need to grow and develop our talents. But for some reason i never really loved the idea of it or how it was presented for us to have talents and then the contrast of reaction when we didnt develop them. I feel it is too vague. BUT i read the story again in Luke this week, and Jesus gives this parable in reaction to the question from his apostles,
When is he going to establish his kingdom upon the earth and reign in glory?

You all know the story, and the master gives them talents, or money, to prepare for when he returns. This money is the keys and priesthood we have in the world now! Consequently, it is the kingdom of God! He gives us callings and opportunities to grow the church to prepare ourselves and others for the returning of the master. We read that it doesnt matter how small of a gift or calling we have, we are expected to do something with it. Whether it is one talent, and youre a primary teacher, or 10 and youre the prophet. You play a part in the building up of the kingsom of God! Do youre part because he is returning!

A small thought too, was he gives an analogy of a builder in response to someoneone who wants to be a disciple of his. Someone who starts to build a tower, but runs out of funds and cant finish it. Because he didnt take into account what he was getting into and he didnt prepare himself enough. It is the same with us as we choose to follow Christ. Prepare yourself to do so, because when you start down the path, there is no turning back. There isnt going back to how life was before and choosing to forget the things you knew. It sounds daunting, but why else are we here? If youre not walking, prepare too. If your lamps arent filled, fill them. The bridegroom is coming! 

I love you all and i hope you all get to study the words of Christ in the new testament and the Book of Mormon, and apply them to your lives. Thank you for all the support.