Monday, October 9, 2023

7 months

 Hola todos!! This might have been the fastest week of my mission so far haha! But i got a lot of thoughts and things i want to share so im going to get into it 

Ive been reading the New Testament recently and i love it so much. Reading the gospels and trying to envision in my mind how Jesus talked, his mannerisms and his tone of voice in everything he says, brings me so much peace. I have found all of the words so deep, and have gained a greater understanding of his divine Love for us. For example, 

We are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. But we are not all sons and daughters of Christ. These, are those who accept the fulness of the father and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who chose him in the end and were sealed to him. Who literally chose to be apart of his family. The sons and daughters of Christ are who he will present to the Father after the earth is cleansed. He refers to us, as those the father has given him.

D&C 84: 63
And as I said unto mine apostles, even so I say unto you, for you are mine apostles, even God’s high priests; ye are they whom my Father hath given me; ye are my friends;

We are the disciples and apostles, we are the elect, we have been annointed and set apart from the world literally. but most importantly, We are his friends. we are a gift unto the most high God. He says repeatedly in the Gospels and in the Doctrine and Covenants that we are the Gift the father has given him. It obvious his love for us. He prays not for the world, but for those the father has given him of the world. John 17 talks of how he has given us his word, and how he has done all that we can so we can be saved. If anyone forgets how special they are or they feel little, remember that youre a prize to your loving savior.

The savior speaks of in the last days, how he will return and partake of the sacrament with all of the ancient prophets and disciples of God, and his children that he has redeemed. Can we even imagine a sliver of the joy the savior would feel in that moment. Standing and looking over his devoted followers that accepted his sacrifice, that love and appreciate him. And partaking of the blessed sacrament with us? Surely his joy would rise above all, after descending completely below it. How does an omniscient, all knowing, eternal God recieve his joy? Redeeming, and bringing others. I cant wait for the day

So how do we become the children of Christ. How do we ascend to become worthy of such blessings. Jesus said, if you are not with me, you are against me. Elder McKonkie breaks this quote down perfectly.

There is, in fact, no such thing as neutrality where the gospel is concerned. Jesus said: ‘He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.’ (Matt. 12:30.) … If we do not sustain and uphold and support the kingdom of God in all things, we are thereby aiding a cause other than the Lord’s.” Elder McConkie further explained: “On every issue it behooves us to determine what the Lord would have us do and what counsel he has given through the appointed officers of his kingdom on earth. No true Latter-day Saint will ever take a stand that is in opposition to what the Lord has revealed to those who direct the affairs of his earthly kingdom”

We might say we love Jesus as Peter claimed he did, after Jesus visited the 12 again. Asking, peter do you love me? We would all say yes, yes of course! But do we love him as the Lord expected Peter to? Do we sustain his leaders, his judgement, his gospel. Do we acknowledge his knowledge! There is no such thing as neautrality. I teach every day that God is perfect, if he is perfect he is true. If he is true there is one truth. And if he loves us perfectly he gives us that truth and it never changes. If we didnt have all that we needed right now and all the knowledge we needed right now to go to heaven he would not be a just God. If he were to in the future, change or share something that is pivotal to the work it would mean he didnt love perfectly those that walked before. 

Oh how grateful we are to have a perfect and loving God, who can not change! How much knowledge is offered to us, to everyone! If they are humble enough to accept it. The kingdom of heaven on earth, is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. It is black and white, youre on his side or youre not. If you dont have the faith to be on his side no matter the consequences than you are not of his fold. If youre not in that place now then continue to grow, Allow him to bless you as he is calling you into the fold.

But behold, ye have both heard my voice, and seen me; and ye are my sheep, and ye are numbered among those whom the Father hath given me.

Jesus loves us, he prays for us, his sheep are a gift to him. "So how would intentionally trusting the doctrine of Christ change the way we live our lives? If we trust the doctrine of Christ, we will trust Christ enough to live by His every word. We will make a lifelong study of Jesus Christ, His ministry, His teachings, and His infinite Atonement, including His glorious Resurrection. We will study His promises and the conditions upon which those promises are given. As we study, we will be filled with greater love for the Lord."

- Elder Bastian