Monday, July 17, 2023


 Hola todos

I'm writing this inside of Texas roadhouse actually. It is very nice to have a little taste of home, even if that just means eating a burger and being around other white people. 

This week was a hard working one. The measure of success depends on your definition of such. We are teaching a lot of people right now, and the more I come to know them the more I come to almost feel bad for them. All of these people have been indoctrinated since their birth with a lot of things. They love worshipping the Virgin Mary here. So such traditions and parts of their catholic faith they can't see a religion being one of God without it, funnily enough. It doesn't matter how much sense we make or even if they understand we're from the church of God, it's never enough to make a change. I've born my testimony to so many people begging them to find out for themselves and try to make them understand we are representatives of Jesus Christ himself, and he wants you to be apart of all that we have to offer and I do to. And it all falls on deaf ears. I understand it's what a mission is like, and we put up with it all to find those few people and diamons in the rough. I just can't help but hurt for these people who almost don't have the ability to choose for themselves.

Speaking of diamonds in the rough, I haven't talked about hermana Martha enough to everyone. She was baptized one of my first weeks here, and recently had the opportunity to go to the temple. She baptized her parents and she has been so filled with joy. She's told us dreams of her seeing her mother clothed in white, thanking her for accepting the gospel and doing her work. All because the missionaries were here. She's golden, feeds us as much as she can as frequently and is always giving us new references and trying to convert all her family. It makes it all worth it.

Randomly, we will be on the street and hear and American song. And we were walking on Thursday and passed a random house that had November rain by guns and roses full blast. I made my companion stop and wait for the next 6 minutes. You'd have to present quite the argument to me to convince me that slash isn't the best guitarist of all time. I'm gonna go convert that guy who was playing it so I can come over more.

I've been quite blessed in terms of just being happy, and living in bliss as I've been here. As far as my spiritual growth, I've reached a point where I don't think most missionaries take the opportunity to pass. We can grow close enough to see God face to face if we so desired. Meaning, all of us have quite the road ahead of us. I am doing everything right right now. Naturally thinking, I have no reason to try and do more and to work harder, and to leave a comfort zone where I have the spirit and everything I need and I can live my normal life and serve. But I know there is more to be offered, and God has so much to offer us. The question is are we willing to leave our comfort zone? Are you comfortable with life and your relationship with the lord? Or do you long for more? We're the prophets of old ever satisfied with their blessings and state of homeostasis with God? Or did they try to push their limits everyday. I hope that all of you have the courage to push past where you are. Whether you realize it or not, if you're not growing you are allowing a wall between you and the lord. He will offer us the universe, or are you satisfied with the world?

It's funny but I have read just about all of my material I have here as far as the gospel library can offer me. And I have a lot more i want to learn, I just can't get my hands on the books I want while living in cansahcab Yucatan. So, if any of you are feeling generous, and have any of the books that I'm gonna list, I would love to have them for the next almost two years haha! Even if you've got one of them please reach out and my momma can get it to me. Thank you all for reading and supporting me. Love you all

A marvelous work and Wonder- Legrand Richards
Lectures on faith: Joseph Smith
The first theough fifth thousand years series by Cleon Skousen
Any of the volumes of- Foundations of the millennial kingdom of Christ : Hyrum Andrus
Isaiah Speaks to Modern Times: Cleon Skousen
Days of the Living Christ: Cleon skousen
Mormon Doctrine: Bruce R McConkie
Doctrines of Salvation: Joseph Fielding
All these things sheall give thee experience: Neal a maxwell
(Or any book by maxwell literally)
Gospel Doctrine: Joseph F
The infinite atonement
Christ and the new Covenant: Jeffrey r Holland
Joseph Smith papers
