Monday, July 24, 2023


 Holaaaaa todos. I need to think of more ways to open my emails.

This was a cool week. We make goals as a district at the beginning of the transfer for all of the mussuonaries in the district combined. And the last two weeks of this transfer we divided up how much each companionship would have to do the next two weeks to hit our goals and, well it was a lot. But we worked hard this week and prayed harder and we beat almost all of our goals by a lot. We found 7 new people this week! I dont know what other missions look like, but here that is really huge. And they all have return dates to learn more. And, we have a baptism date.

I have actually been learning some mayaan. I can have a little conversation in it with the few phrases i know. Most people here know pretty large bits of the language. At least once everyday ill get a crazy shirtless old guy start talking to me in mayaan. And then i respond in english. And then we look eachother funny, and we part ways. So i took it upon myself to learn a bit. You should see their faces when they see the white gringo here start talking in mayaan.

We had a lesson this week where we asked another woman to be baptized. We thought she was progressing great and didnt think we would get a flat out denial. But she seemed quite against it actually. No matter all that we told her, she said her church is closer and she doesnt wanna have to switch. I was so bothered. We couldnt have made things more clear. These people have heard from us and seem to understand that they are not members of the church Jesus Christ, knowing that there is one. I asked her, what are you going to tell God at the end of this life? When you see him again face to face, are you going to tell him the same words? That you knew the truth and didnt care enough about the Lord to choose him over what was convenient? That you were too stubborn to accept the blessings and love he offers you with opem arms? We'll see if the words stick with her. Based on experience, they'll fall on deaf ears. But maybe we can learn a similar lesson by asking ourselves the same question. Whats your excuse for not making the most of your time here youve been given to grow close to the Lord? Is your answer going to suffice when the time comes to tell it to him?

We talk about how the gospel is the light. How Jesus is the light of the world. If its true then why do so many people choose to reside in the dark? Even when knowing there is more to be had in the light? I suppose its like our eyes adjusting to light from darkness. How it burns and you have to get used to it. And sometimes its easier for us to just go back to where the eyes are comfortable. And why, for so many people, when they want to change and start going into the light turn back around and revert to where its comfortable. And honestly, if you keep going with the anology, that once your eyes adjust you know youre not growing any more. And the more you walk the brighter it gets and it hurts. But looking back at where you came you can see how much better off you are being able to see. 

I have almost finished the old testament and its been cool, and weird honestly. It has really made me appreciate the book of mormon. It is so deep. If us, as members of the church, are not currently in the process of reading the book of mormon, you are doing something wrong. If nothing else, read the book of mormon. As ive read it and re read and gone back and read, I think nephi is honestly my favorite book. I believe is the book with the deepest doctrine and knowledge to glean from. It is actually insane. And people can read nephi and just stop. It goes to show that the more you want to learn and the more you grow the book of mormon always has more to offer and teach. The book is alive, like the gospel. Every verse is there by revelation and I hope that you all will read the book of mormon now. 

My spanish is finally, sufficient. I can talk, i lead basically all the lessons, and i can get around everywhere i need to with what i know. Obviously there is still much to learn but i am finally able to be a missionary and not be hindered as of now. It has heen really really nice. Yesterday i gave a 20 minute talk in sacrament with no preperation or even knowing I would give the talk until right before the meeting. Its funny because I still have an obvious american accent, and for some people that doesnt matter at all, they can understand me. But the other half of people cant understand a word i say. There is no inbetween. Luckily my comp understands me and is there to fill in the gaps. 

In my talk I talked about missionary work, but specifically as for the members. Its says in Doctrine and Covenants second 84 I believe, that for those whom the kingdom has been given, from you it must be preached to them. It is our privilege to be blessed with such light and knowledge. There is so many people thay just dont know. And saying this on the pulpit i started to cry, because it truly hurts my heart. So many people dont know they have a heavenly father, dont know he has a plan for them, why they are here, much less that Jesus Christ has his own church on this earth of which he is the head of. Please share the gospel, even in little ways with the people around you. And live in such a way that the spirit can be with you. We only have more blessings in store for us.

I love you all
