Monday, May 22, 2023

Week 8


Okay I've been told I need to make my emails more readable and not just one big block haha! So that is the goal this week.

I had such a good week it was so fast actually. The members here are amazing, they are so diligent and committed to helping us out and loving us. Many drive us around and help us teach whenever they can. They are all SO HAPPY all the time. Kind and humble and loving, the best traits of Christ that im trying to emmulate. I feel so blessed.

Not sick anymore luckily and was able to work hard this week! We saw so many people everyday and taught so many successful lessons and we saw the fruits of our labors at the end of the week. Yesterday was so beautiful because we had 4 investigators throughout that week show up to church and make an effort even when some of them love up to an hour away. Their faith is incredible! And I can't describe the joy I felt when they walked through the doors. Me and my companion were just dancing and jumping with joy when these people came through the doors. It talks in the scriptures of the joy of bringing others to Christ, I can't imagine the immensity of the joy of seeing these people in the celestial kingdom and hugging them. Especially since I had almost never felt so much joy as I did just seeing them in church.

There's this one guy in particular, his name is Gabriel. He reminds me of Jabba the hut. You'd have to see him. It's more the tone of his voice and how slow he talks and I can't understand a word haha but I love him. He's had a smoking problem his whole life and he's trying to drop it. We gave him a Priesthood blessing and he threw away the cigarettes and came over an hour to church this week with a member when he can barely walk. 

Another highlight of the week was picking mangos with some little girls in the branch who aren't much over probably 5 or 6 years old. When they first saw me their jaw dropped, don't know if they've ever seen a 6'1 white guy before. They were so shy but then I fixed one of their toys and they wouldn't leave me alone! One wore my sombrero all lesson and we played hide and seek and they helped us pick mangos in their back yard and would catch them for us. I would grab the littlest one by the wrists and throw her in the air and catch her and she would laugh the best laugh I've ever heard. So much joy.

My Spanish took leaps this week. I can say almost everything I want to say (slowly) but the problem is the listening haha. I have to translate every word so even if I know all the ones being said once I figure out what a sentence meant they're 5 ahead. All in time tho. My comp translates and I can communicate haha.

Random things:
- I swear this place is where they filmed nacho libre somebody needs to look it up and let me know. His little blue bike he rides in the movie is everywhere here haha. I actually sit in the front of one multiple times a week people use them for taxis here around the Pueblo.
- I hate birds. They are so loud here. And they stopped doing daylight savings here so it gets light at like 5 am and theyre up cawing for NO REASON. A lot will just sit un the window sill and bang their heads on the window for hours. I really need to work on patience but I get so impatient waiting for it to come  
- I think I have found the most annoying bug ever. They're called June bugs. If they have them in the states it's NOT like here these things are big and they are DUMB. They are so fat I don't know how they fly it looks like it takes all of their strength and they can only stay up for a few seconds so they'll just run into the wall or land on your face.

There's a lot more that happened this week. So many people progressing and so many blessings. We have baptisms the next two Sundays so I'll let you guys know about them! One is Gabriel:)) (jabba) I love you all and I love being a missionary. The lord us watching out for me everyday and draws close to me as I try to draw close to him, and I can promise all of you the same blessing if you put in the effort too. Have a great week!

- Elder B