Monday, May 8, 2023

Bye CCM, Hello Merida!

Paxton got up at 1:45 this morning, gave his companion some knuckles and headed to the airport to fly to Merida. He was one of 8 people from the CCM traveling to Merida and the only one from his district.  We just got a call from him so that he could tell us he made it to Merida safely. He was able to meet his Mission President and now he has a 3 hour bus drive to his first assigned area. He did meet his first companion in the field who surprisingly is a white guy. He said most everyone in the mission is Hispanic and speaks Spanish fluently. It’s pretty intimidating but his Spanish is coming along. He can teach gospel lessons in Spanish but regular conversation is still a work in progress. 

He said is unbelievably hot. It’s almost indescribable as it’s 101 degrees at 78% humidity so he just went from 70 degrees to 107 (with the humidity) it’s going to take some getting used to for sure!

He didn’t have long to talk, they had to hit the road but he is safe, and he is happy! ❤️

(This is his last picture with his CCM district that he has been with since day 1 of home MTC. They are all heading to different parts of the world speaking Spanish). 

What incredible young Men and Women!! I am so impressed and amazed! I know the Lord is watching over them but please keep the missionaries in your prayers as they go forth to preach the gospel of Jesus  Christ!