Monday, June 26, 2023

Week 13

 Another week down!

A LOT has changed since my last email, including actually my companion. They changed my trainer after my first transfer, usually that is never the case. But because so many people are leaving this transfer, they needed him for a leadership position higher than trainer. My new comp does not speak a lick of English!! And honestly the more I think about the whole situation, I feel so tremendously blessed.

My first comp we basically spoke in English all the time, with my limited Spanish knowledge, and a better way to communicate, we just couldn't keep speaking spanish all the time it was almost impossible. But, because he could speak English, I learned how to be a missionary very fast. As in learning to use an area book and contact people and how to get around and everything I needed to do and could do without knowing the language. And in the lessons I was able to sit back and observe and learn. I was starting to become a little impatient though, just because I felt like I couldn't do much, but I knew enough to where if I could just speak to people I could just grow exponentially, like I didn't need any other training. And that was starting to become a problem with me and my trainer because I felt ready to do more but he had authority over me and I didn't see a reason for it. I thought it was just another thing to teach me patience but the lord has better things in mind for me.

So this last week I've spoken almost NO English and I've already gotten so much better at spanish and can talk to people and converse and ask if someone's home and stuff and all the things my other comp just did. I've been astounded thinking about the fact that I came here the only transfer where they would have to do something like take my trainer, and be given the oldest trainer that had to be taken for another position. And that he was also speaking English so I could learn everything to the best of my ability without hindrance and then to have my next trainer be completely spanish speaking to just supercharge my growth and missionary ability here. It seems as though the lord has plans for me. And is keenly aware of me, and what I need and how I need to grow. And acknowledges the same as I did that all I need now is the language help. Such an absolute blessing, and the coolest thing is that I called it before the transfers. I knew the best thing for me would be exactly what happened and it all fell into place so divine. I feel as though I'm sitting back and just watching the ball game that is my life, and the lord is the one in control and I'm just enjoying it. 

One thing I miss about my other comp is his guitar. I was actually starting to get good again because most nights it was either, read more scriptures, or play guitar HAHA. So I got good at guitar. It's never been an instrument I've been able to just commit to everyday for weeks at a time, but here sometimes I would speed walk home because I wanted to play guitar. Funny how Satan uses whatever he can to try and tempt you haha, whatever you allow him to do so with. 

I had my first baptism for myself yesterday! We had two last transfer but this was the first time I've been able to do the baptizing. A lot had to fall into place to make it happen but it all came through, and Hermano Gabriel is now a member of the church. I just feel so much joy hearing things like, "they've never felt so clean before" and seeing the smiles on their faces. 

Obviously there's a lot of details that are in an entire week that I'm forgetting but I'll leave it there. The lesson this week was just seeing how if your will is aligned with the Lord's, he will bless you with your desires. That is promised time and again. And also how influential he is in everything in our lives. It's so much that influential isn't even an accurate word to describe it. The Lord's hand in my life hasn't changed since I've come out here, and his hand isn't in my life more than any of you guys. I've just been able to grow and see it more and I wish you all the same joy of finding that truth for yourself, and feeling the love of your father in everything that happens to you. 

I love you all and I'll talk next week 
